Shrudhi shruta shraddivam Welcome to the first entry of the new blog, "Sshhh!", a extemporaneous sharing of personal musings on sound and self. I've taken the title from the Vak Suktam, hymn 10.125 of the Rig Veda credited to female poet/rishi Vak Ambrini in which the goddess Vak — reputed to bring the world into being thru sound vibration — lets loose in a freestyle one-woman battle of braggadocio 2000BCE- style. "Listen, you!," she commands. "You, who everyone has heard of! You, who everyone speaks of! You, who are supposedly so famous!," she continues. "Listen to me. And I will tell you something worth listening to." |
(Listen to all eight verses of the Vak Suktam being chanted by a group of men in the presence of Sai Baba>) I'm no goddess (or am I? Aren't we all? But that's a different post...), but I do hope that the coming "Ssshhhhh!" entries will offer you something worth listening to, or at least inspire you to listen more deeply. This blog is as much about you as it is about me, so I would like to begin our conversation by asking: "What do you find worth listening to?" You have my attention — I'm listening! | |